On Saturday while I was working at the sewing machine, Home Shopping Network just happened to be on the TV. Normally I don't watch and buy from this, but they had a segment on Singer machines. The combined serger and embroidery machine got my attention since I love anything with embroidery on it. I have looked at these machines with longing in the past but could never justify the $2000 price tag. When my daughter saw the beautiful monograms the machine was capable of doing, she started watching too. Since my birthday was last week and Mother's Day is next week, I told her if she makes the first payment for me I'll get it. I was sort of kidding but she got her cell phone and ordered it for me. It will be arriving on or about May 10th. I can't wait! My first project will be to embroider a gold Jewish star on the goblet and then attach one to each end of the chuppah flap with the Song of Solomon verse. The next applique for the chuppah is pomegranate vines, fruit and flowers. The embroidery will definitely add to these elements too. I grew up sewing on Singer machines. I hope they are still as good even though they're not made in the US anymore.
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